Serve Him

Serve Him
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Welcome to Living Abundantly

My name is Tina Foster. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog and seeing some of the crafts I have up for sale. Please feel free to leave a comment below to get in touch with me.

Go Live Life Abundantly!!

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Norwegian Cuisine

Week three
Life is starting to settle in with our newest family member. I had to laugh yesterday. Melissa introduced my daughters to a fine cuisine from Norway. Ready for this... Ramen noodles! Yep, I have to say my girls have never had the pleasure of eating Ramen noodles. I thought it was so funny! Kelsey, of course, couldn't partake of these Norwegian noodles because she is gluten free. Melissa seemed so happy to be able to share these with the girls. I love her spirit! She's so much fun to be around. She was definitely in her happy place!

I'd ask you to pray for all the exchange students in this country. One of Melissa's friends was place in a home that was mistreating her. She had to call her local coordinator to be removed from the home. Many people think this is a chance to earn money from these kids or free labor. No, it's a chance to show these kids a different way of life. For me it's a way to share Jesus's love to someone who's never been to this country. I feel so blessed to be able to do this for Melissa and Melissa felt very blessed to be in our home. So please be in prayer for these kids. Many of them it's their first time away from home which is halfway across the world. For many English is a second language and it's still difficult to understand us. Melissa has had 9 years of English and yet our slang can throw her off. I can't even imagine the courage it takes these young people and their parents to come to another country, trust these host parents, and to go to a school trying to understand our culture and schooling. I'm so in awe of these kids and in their courage and strength. They are cut off from family, really only supposed to talk to them once a week, and friends. So, I ask that you pray for these kids. Just this week Melissa's mom was worried about her because of a shooting out in Moneta, only about 30min away. She's across the world in a country where she literally has no control and cannot protect her daughter, she's trusting her host family to protect her daughter. As a mom of two teens, I'd be out of my head with worry. So the courage these kids and family have is so encouraging to me! I'm in prayer for them each day, I invite you to be also!

To end this week on a high note, I'm learning that my purpose on this earth is to magnify and glorify God in everything I do. In this season of my life, I find myself focusing more on the circumstances of my life instead of how to glorify God in my circumstances. After going to a women's retreat this weekend, God reminded me that I have his power inside me and I'm able to glorify him even in my circumstances. This same power that spoke to the sun and gave it power to shine, lives in me.  I love being able to host Melissa and to be a mom. I love being able to mentor middle school and high school girls. I love being a wife. I'm glad God has given me these way in life to glorify him. So, now I'm praying he helps me to focus on him and not my circumstances, because I know I can't do it on my own. So thank you, God, for the reminder.

In Christ's Love,