Serve Him

Serve Him
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Welcome to Living Abundantly

My name is Tina Foster. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog and seeing some of the crafts I have up for sale. Please feel free to leave a comment below to get in touch with me.

Go Live Life Abundantly!!

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Monday, August 17, 2015

Welcome to America, Melissa!

August 13,2015. Week one
Today we got an addition to our family. Our new exchange student Melissa arrived. Poor thing missed her flight from Charlotte to Lynchburg and spent six hours by herself in the airport. As a mom of two teenagers myself, I was terrified for her. We live 3 hours away, but I was ready to hop in a car and go get her. But, as God would have it, she was able to secure a ticket to the last flight out of Charlotte. So, as any good mom would do, I hounded her with texts to make sure she was ok! I'm sure between her own mom in Norway and her "foster" mom in Lynchburg, she was sick of hearing , "are you okay?" But that's me! I love kids! Already my heart was filled with love for this seventeen year old girl!

Once she got off the plane at midnight, I thought I couldn't be any happier to see someone get off the plane. She walked off with this beautiful smile even with undertones of tiredness. She came right up to us and gave the whole family a big hug like she had known us forever! It was like welcoming my own daughter back home!

God has a big adventure planned for all of this year! In my natural self I can be very anxious and worried, but I'm choosing to see this adventure through the eyes of God this year. I hope to document this journey he has our family, including Melissa, on this year. Oh, I know there will be challenges with three teens in the house and all girls, but God is a great teacher. I want to be a great student and listen to his guidance. I know he has so much for all of us to learn.

So, as I sit here waiting for my family to wake up and start a new day, I'm encouraged by how great our God is! He got this beautiful seventeen year old girl from Norway to little old Lynchburg here safely and he brought her to my house! What a faithful God we have! I'm really looking forward to getting to know this new member of our family. We both have so much to learn.

So, God, bring on the adventure!

Day two: Already this sweet girl is fitting in perfectly with the family. Today was orientation at the high school. Nothing seemed to phase her. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She's so excited to be going to an American high school, if only the American kids I have in my home were as excited as she is. Tomorrow she gets her own schedule and we're off to school shop.

Tonight she is being introduced to some wonderful new friends from the high school. These young girls are taking the time to come out to Panera Bread to welcome her to the school and this community. One thing Melissa said to me earlier was that Americans were so friendly. "They just start talking to you." I'm so glad she has had that experience. She said she wanted to take that welcoming atmosphere back to Norway with her.

Day three: well my new daughter is all signed up for classes and has all her school supplies. Who knew getting someone signed up for a few high school classes could be so challenging?  This young girl is such a delight. She has such a sense of excitement about her. I asked if she was nervous about the school or getting to classes, "nope" she says! She was even excited to take a gym class, even though my daughters looked at her like she was crazy! She even said the most exciting part was riding an American school bus! Yep, I believe she is going to be good for us.

If you've read any of my previous blogs or know me at all, you know I suffer from chronic back pain. Well, today was no different, but something miraculous happened for me today. I woke up in excruciating pain and I thought to myself, " no, how am I going to get through this day?" So I went to God in prayer and told God that I could not do this on my own I desperately needed his help today. Then I got on my phone and texted my prayer warriors! I knew I needed to leave around 10:30 to make our guidance appointment. I put a heating pad on my back and took two Alieve and nothing, still massive pain. So again, I prayed and asked God to help me get through this day. I had no choice but to go, Melissa had to have her schedule and supplies for school on Monday. Well, wouldn't you know it, as soon as 10:30 got here, I got the girls ready and we were about to leave and, praise God, but my pain subsided. Yep, my God kept the pain at a manageable level until we were on our way back home at 5pm. I was truly amazed and was so praising God for his faithfulness!! I'm so glad I got to experience this day pain free with all my girls!

Day four: well satan is not happy with us, so today he did a very mean thing, he broke my dryer. He knew we had three teen girls and two parents with a lot of laundry to get done this weekend before school starts. Good for us God is on our side. My handyman, aka my hubby, built me a clothes line out back. Anyone remember those. Well, I'm not crazy about it, but, hey, I'm not about to let satan take this beautiful day away from me. Of course, Melissa was next in line to get her clothes washed, so we are welcoming her to the art of hanging clothes on the line! So much fun!

Today was also the dreaded day of grocery shopping. I truly hate to grocery shop and why, someone tell me, did I decide to do it on a Saturday? What was I thinking? Usually I go during the week, but with school starting Monday I knew the girls would need some items for lunches. Well, again satan was trying to frustrate me, as God would have, I let it go over my head. By back was paining me, I kept forgetting to get items, too many people in one isle and workers putting up stock, but eventually an hour and a half later I was walking out with a months worth of groceries under 300$.

Final day of this week and the favorite, Sunday, church day! I love my church and community. I love how they surround us with love and support in everything we do! We got to introduce Melissa to some of those great friends and she got to meet some awesome high school kids and leaders. I'm praying Melissa enjoys her time with us, but also that she is able to see God in a new way. He loves her even more than we do!

Well, that wraps up the first week in American with our newest family member! Some ups and some downs, but God is with us always!

In Christ's Love,
Tina Foster

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