I've learned a lot this year about casting my burdens over to God. This year started off pretty good. Family was well, kids were great, husband was happy. We kicked off our 24th wedding anniversary with a public celebration to praise God for guiding us through 24 years of marriage in July. If any of you have been married for any time at all, you know this is no easy feat. I knew then that we were spitting in the face of Satan. What I wasn't exactly prepared for was his revenge.
I remember one of the people at the ceremony saying to me that she would be praying hard for us this year because we were publicly praising God and offending Satan. I didn't give this a lot of thought at the time, but now is another story.
It started very shortly after our renewing of our vows. We decided to do it this this year to save money for a big trip on a cruise for us and our two teens next year. We thought this would be a great way to celebrate. Little did I know it would be a lesson, instead, of trusting on God's sovereignty.
Things were good. I was saving money towards our trip, looking for destinations, planning for passports and getting everyone excited. Before school stared, God brought us an exchange student from Norway to take care of for a school year. School started and things were looking good. Then the first lesson came. The washing machine stopped working. Now, I thought, "yeah, it's about time for this to quit. It's only about 15 years old. No big deal." Luckily, God prepared us for this and there was a free financing for 6 months. No problem.
Shortly, and I do mean shortly, thereafter I go to do laundry and my dryer has stopped working. What? Ok! Again, this wasn't a new dryer so I chalked it up to age. I call the guy to see if it can be fixed and he looks at me with astonishment in his eyes and says, " Mrs. Foster, thank God this dryer didn't catch fire. The switch that is supposed to keep it from overheating wasn't working and there is a last resort fail safe in the dryer that turns it off. Most times these fail in this type of dryer, this one didn't. God was looking out for you." Wow. I felt extremely lucky. But now here I was charged with buying another big appliance. Again God was gracious and we could get 6 months free financing again. We still hadn't paid off the washer, but I felt like it would be ok.
All was going good until about a month later, I went to start dinner and the microwave quit working. I probably had about a 20 minute crying fit before I realized it was going to be okay. Thanks to my husband, the voice of reason, I was able to come up with some money to buy the cheapest over the stove microwave I could get. With three kids, you just need a microwave.
About now is when I started remembering what the lady at our renewal said about praying hard for us this year because we were offending Satan. I have to admit I was very frustrated, but i continued to pray and trust God that he would provide.
While all these unexpected things were happening, I was still dealing with my health issues of a pinched nerve in my sciatic and my daughters health issues. The money was flying out of our hands and I was robbing Peter to pay Paul some days.
I'd love to say that was the end of it, but, no, it wasn't. God intervened in a big way for me. I got an overwhelming feeling that I was to help a lady out by driving her to and from her cancer treatments. I thought at first, no way. I mean I didn't know her and with my back issues driving is painful for me. I once taught her daughter in church, but that was it. I'd never met her. Did I mention, I'm an introvert, a diehard introvert? It terrifies me to meet new people. Well, God wouldn't let it go, so I did it. I picked her up from her treatment and took her home. This was such a blessing to me. This woman is coping with stage four cancer, has 5 kids, a husband who is a police officer and puts his life in the line of duty every day, and she still works and runs her own business. This woman even blessed me with taking her time to pray over my issues and my life. God used her to show me his faithfulness.
A few more mishaps have happened like my daughter's first driving accident, a shed leaking and needing a new roof, trees that had to come down before they fell down and just this week a wonderful Christmas present of the septic pump quitting on us. And then three, yes three, cars needing worked on because of problems which cost over 1500 dollars. I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown or running away for good. But God is still sovereign. God is still working for the good of me and my family because we love him. So Satan has his vengeance, but God is there with his angels fighting for us. How do I know this you might ask? Because each morning and night he fills my heart and mind with his word and his peace. My husband and I have started reading God's word aloud to each other at night. It's the only thing that's keeping me sane right now. God is sending me peace through the devotions I'm receiving and the prayers of some great friends. Just today, as I'm praying that sewage doesn't leak into my house after 3 teen girls take their showers, one very good friend sends me a funny video and tells me she has donated a water buffalo in my name to a needy person in Asia as our Christmas gift. God has not abandoned me. He is still showing his love to me. Even in the face of having to shell out another large sum to have a septic pumped out, he's giving me laughter and love through a friend. I know there are many more people out there suffering from way worse things than me and my family, so I'm trying to keep my perspective. I'm just thankful that God is still with me and guiding me through this. "My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness." Well, I have a lot of weakness, so I'm glad my God is my strength!
Thank you Jesus for being faithful to your promises. I'm praying that 2016 is a much better year for us. I'm praying that God allows us a peaceful year and allows me to get healthy this year. He's always provided for our needs and I believe he will do the same in this new year. I pray he keeps my whole family on his path and we can keep our eyes on Him. God is our strength!
Goodbye 2015!! HELLO 2016!
In Christ's Love,
In Christ's Love,
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