This time of the year we are always thinking about what we are thankful for in this life. I'm no different except I think about this every day. I think about where I came from, my sinful past. I think about how Jesus died on a cross for my sinful human self. I'm more thankful than I can even write in this blog.
At the age of twelve, my God blessed me so much with a church where he spoke to me through a youth leader. That day I gave my life to the Lord Jesus. I have not always been a faithful servant of Jesus, but my wonderful God forgives me every time I repent my sins to him. How could I be any more blessed. That was only the beginning.
The year after I gave my life to Jesus, my life was turned upside down. My father moved me to a different town 200 miles away from my new church family. This time in my life was very hard and even harder to follow Jesus without someone to mentor me, but even in this God blessed me.
When I was 15, God allowed me to meet a boy who would change my life. He later became my wonderful husband. God allowed the boy to come into my life to show me that he loved me and that, yes, I was lovable and wanted, despite what people said about me.
After 7 years of dating and going through some rough times, we married. God blessed me with the most wonderful husband. My wonderful, graceful God allowed me to meet this man and come to love him and even better he came to love me. He went through many hard times with me. He loved me unconditionally. He stood by me, encouraged me, loved me, and was God's hands and feet to me. He loves Jesus so much and our marriage has only been blessed further for it. He's a wonderful father.
God not only blessed me with a wonderful man, but God allowed me to be the mother of two beautiful ,bright, and loving daughters. Daughters who make me proud as they serve and love God every day. Daughters who just a couple of years ago accepted the free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ. They are the light of my life. My days are not complete without their smiling faces and wonderful hugs. I love to see their excitement over a favorite movie, book or a great day at school. I'm thankful for cold evenings, watching movies, cuddling up next to the fire, all with my wonderful daughters surrounding me. They love watching sappy Christmas movies with me over and over again.
God in his great mercy and grace blessed me with the opportunity to be a small group leader to middle school girls. Many of which I've known since kindergarten. He blesses we every week by allowing me to do life with these girls through a small group at my house. I'm allowed the opportunity to share God's love with them every week. I'm so blessed that they actually like being with me and learning about God.
God in his friendship with me has allowed me to have some really great friends and he allows me the chance to meet new friends through the many bible studies that I'm able to attend and my serving in the middle school room. Many of these friends have stopped what they were doing to pray for me, take care of my children during the sickness of my father-in-law, have brought me dinners when I hurt my back, and been there for me to encourage me.
I've also been blessed with great in-laws. God allowed me to be a part of a family. We lost my father-in-law almost two years ago. I love my mother-in-law to death. She is a much better mother and than I am a daughter. That is for sure. My life would not be complete without her. God has allowed me to repair my relationship with my father and now I feel blessed to have him in my life and in my daughter's lives.
Today I reflect on where I came from. I have experienced loneliness, friendlessness, absence of a real family, no one to love or be loved by. But that was then. Today I am blessed beyond measure with family and friends. With loved ones for me to love and to be loved by. But most of all I'm blessed and most thankful for God who not only called me into his family but also called my husband and two daughters. Material things matter little to me, in fact I'd do away with all the gift giving if I could, what matters to me are the people God has allowed to come into my life. They may never know how much they have changed my life, but God does and I pray his blessing on all their lives daily.
So this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for all of you! God bless you all!
In Christ's love,
~Tina Foster~
Tina, It is such a privilege to watch God work in your life. Thanking Him for such a friend as you and for a leader to girls that need what you didn't have at this time in your life. Love how God uses EVERYTHING!