Serve Him

Serve Him
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

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My name is Tina Foster. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog and seeing some of the crafts I have up for sale. Please feel free to leave a comment below to get in touch with me.

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Friday, June 5, 2015

We are a mere vapor on this earth

I can remember when my daughters were first born. People would tell  me to cherish this time that if you blink they would be grown up. At the time I thought, "yeah sure!" I remember when they wouldn't sleep at night or were colicky and thinking, "oh how I wish they'd grow out of this" or "when is this ever going to end." I can remember not being able to wait until they could walk, talk, cut their own sandwich, go to school, or clean their own room. I don't know when exactly it happened, but at some point I started to want to go backwards. I mean maybe it was when they started school and I thought, "how can you be old enough to to go to school?" Or maybe it was when they were graduating from the 5th grade and going to middle school. Or perhaps it's now because I'm looking at my daughter getting ready for her job and about to drive herself to work.

I scoffed at those people who said treasure this time because it goes by fast. I never really thought it would. When your in the midst of a crying fit, and not just me, or the horrible twos or even listening to a sassy teen during the teen years, you think this is the worst time and can't wait for them to get past it. Today I've been given a rare glimpse into, maybe, how God views our time on earth. He says we are hear for very short time. James says we are but a vapor on this earth. Now I'm beginning to believe it.

Today was the last day of school for my 9th grader and my 11th grader. Next year my daughter will be a senior in high school. What? When did that happen? And my baby will be a sophomore! Did I fall asleep and someone push me forward into the future. I feel like just yesterday they were singing the Little Mermaid and playing dress up. When did they go from that to working a job and driving and becoming teens in high school? How did time fly by so fast? I wanted them to grow up and move beyond different stages and now it seems like I want them to go backwards.

Now I'm grasping at moments to spend with my teen girls, who at his point in their life want nothing to do with mom. I look at how short my time with them in this house is and think, "how can I stop time from passing so quickly." Is there a time machine to go backwards?

Why is it I can't seem to enjoy today for what it brings. Why are we always looking for a "better" time. God gave me a wake up call. I want to breathe in the beauty he has given me for today. I want to soak in the moments he puts in front of me today. I want to treasure the time I have with loved ones and friends today.

I don't know when it happened, but at some point my girls grew up and it happened right in front of my eyes. I'm trying not to focus so much on the time I have left with them, but on the time I have with them today. I want to make memories that they will cherish. I want to spend time with them that they will treasure. I want to seek joy with them that they will soak up.

Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. We get 18 years to nurture and raise our kids. What a huge gift and yet it is so short in the grand scheme of things. Many of us, me included, take it for granted, wish the time away, or look for a better time.

I've so enjoyed watching my daughters grow into beautiful, godly, responsible young women. My heart soars to see them functioning in this world. Yes, sometimes I worry did I teach her this,  did I show her that, or have I exampled this for her. I don't believe you ever stop teaching your kids or worrying about them, but I'm glad they have a father in heaven who loves them even more than I do to guide them in this dysfunctional world. Oh, and I'm glad God allows me to come along for the ride and the occasional instruction to my daughters. I'm so proud of who they are and that they  are Gods daughters as well.

So for you new mothers out there, treasure this time with your kids, spend as much time as you can, don't always look to a time when things will be better, but enjoy the moment your in now. Enjoy what God has allowed you to experience right now, because in a mere vapor it will be gone. They'll be grown up and it will happen right before your eyes!

In Christ's love,
~Tina Foster~

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